Sunday, July 24, 2011

Best Seller

I have found that these 'daisy chain' bracelets are a great seller at the farm market.  I have them available for $12 or 2 for $20.  Here are some of the colors and patterns I created on my Minnesota vacation.

My first Felted Bracelet

Another idea from the Minnesota trip was to do beaded embroidery combined with needle felting.  This is my first attempt at this process.

"I've got the Blues"

After a trip to Minnesota with my friend Mary, I came home with lots of new ideas and some beads to go with them!  I found two main turquoise colored jasper stones in Duluth that serve as the center for these pieces.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Funky Zebra Items

Here are just a few of the new necklaces I made to send to the Funky Zebra in Door County.  The large stones are something new for me, but I had fun with using new items and expanding my beading experiences.